
My research interests are in stable homotopy theory, tensor-triangular geometry, and their interactions with other areas, in particular, purity and commutative algebra. This page contains a list of my publications and preprints, together with links.

Publications and preprints

# Title Coauthors References Links
15 The shift-homological spectrum and parametrising kernels of rank functions Isaac Bird and Alexandra Zvonareva - arXiv
14 Torsion models for tensor‑triangulated categories Scott Balchin, J.P.C. Greenlees, and Luca Pol Submitted arXiv
13 Definable functors between triangulated categories with applications to tensor‑triangular geometry and representation theory Isaac Bird Submitted arXiv
12 The homological spectrum via definable subcategories Isaac Bird Bull. Lond. Math. Soc. (to appear) Journal and arXiv
11 Tensor‑triangular rigidity in chromatic homotopy theory Scott Balchin and Constanze Roitzheim Israel J. Math. (to appear) arXiv
10 Finitistic dimensions over commutative DG‑rings Isaac Bird, Liran Shaul, and Prashanth Sridhar Math. Z., 309(1): Paper No. 3, 29pp, 2025 Journal and arXiv
9 Duality pairs, phantom maps, and definability in triangulated categories Isaac Bird Proc. Roy. Soc. Edinburgh Sect. A (to appear) Journal and arXiv
8 Local Gorenstein duality in chromatic group cohomology Luca Pol J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 227(11):Paper No. 107422, 29pp, 2023 Journal and arXiv
7 Levels of algebraicity in stable homotopy theories Jocelyne Ishak and Constanze Roitzheim J. Lond. Math. Soc. (2), 108(2):545–577, 2023 Journal and arXiv
6 Lifting (co)stratifications between tensor triangulated categories Liran Shaul Israel J. Math., 261(1): 249–280, 2024 Journal and arXiv
5 Algebraic models of change of groups functors in (co)free rational equivariant spectra J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 226(11):Paper No. 107108, 53pp, 2022 Journal and arXiv
4 The homotopy theory of complete modules Luca Pol J. Algebra, 594:74–100, 2022 Journal and arXiv
3 Torsion models for tensor‑triangulated categories: the one‑step case Scott Balchin, J.P.C. Greenlees, and Luca Pol Algebr. Geom. Topol., 22(6):2805–2856, 2022 Journal and arXiv
2 Flatness and Shipley's algebraicization theorem Homology Homotopy Appl., 23(1):191–218, 2021 Journal and arXiv
1 The Left Localization Principle, completions and cofree G‑spectra Luca Pol J. Pure Appl. Algebra, 224(11):Paper No. 106408, 33pp, 2020 Journal and arXiv

My collaborators

Scott Balchin, Miguel Barrero, Tobias Barthel, Isaac Bird, John Greenlees, Jocelyne Ishak, Sebastian Opper, Luca Pol, Constanze Roitzheim, Liran Shaul, Neil Strickland, Prashanth Sridhar, Alexandra Zvonareva